
“Christmas is the Spirit of Giving without A Thought of Getting.” ~Thomas Monson

large_transparent_christmas_tree_with_presents_clipart  Christmas is a time to reflect upon the true meaning of the holy season which guides our hearts and prepares us for all things good. We are called upon to demonstrate kindness, understanding, and patience toward others.

During this season of giving, we are reminded of those who are less fortunate: the lonely, displaced, and disadvantaged families in our world, and we are called upon to offer hope. While it is up to each one of us, often the gift of just one smile might bring anticipation out of despair.

In a few days, we will celebrate the birth of Christ and all of what that means.  We are blessed to have so much where and how we live. Be thankful this Christmas as you enter into your time of giving and receiving, to remember why He was born. Celebrate with a light heart since what matters is the gift of your presence among those who love and are loved by you.

We, at BlueStar Company appreciate your business and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a blessed and prosperous 2017.

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